Privacy Policy

The Communication Hub website was developed by Speech Pathology Australia Ltd and AGOSCI. Speech Pathology Australia is the national peak body for the speech pathology profession in Australia and AGOSCI is an inclusive group interested in enhancing the participation of all people with complex communication needs. Speech Pathology Australia (the Association) is the owner and administrator of the Communication Hub.

Collection of personal information

You may browse through information on the Communication Hub without providing any personal information to us.

We may collect de identified information regarding visitors to the Communication Hub, but we do not collect any information which might identity the visitors.

For example, we may collect information about the date, time and duration of visits, which pages of the Communication Hub website are most accessed and which links are clicked. We may also collect information about our visitors' devices (such as the IP address, screen size, device type, browser, accessibility options, country location and preferred language used to display our website). This information is used by us to help to administer and improve the Communication Hub, including by better understanding the user experience and preferences.

Our website may use cookies to assist in making your browsing experience better and to allow us to improve our website. We may use third parties to collect and process this de-identified information on our behalf using cookies and other technologies.

Use and disclosure of information

We may use and disclose aggregated de-identified information collected through the Communication Hub as part of our process of managing and improving the website.


The Communication Hub website will contain links to the websites of other organisations which may be of interest to you.

The Association is not responsible for the practices or the content of any other website. Linked websites are responsible for their own content and any applicable privacy practices and you should check those websites for their respective privacy statements.

We note that if you link through to the website of Speech Pathology Australia or AGOSCI, their respective privacy policies will apply to the extent they collect any personal information through their website.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this website, please contact Speech Pathology Australia by:

  • writing to Speech Pathology Australia, Level 1, 114 William Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
  • calling 1300 368 835 or +61 3 9642 4899, or
  • emailing: [email protected]